Thank you!

Thank you for checking out my blog!!!!

I love this blog, it is an opportunity to express my heart. And I so much appreciate you taking time from your daily life to receive what my heart writes, what my heart sings, what my heart feels, and what my heart wishes to share. It seems we all are going through such similar lessons, so may we all be each other's rock and strength in our transformation in this life. Bless you and love you! Naomi

Monday, April 19, 2010


We keep ourselves busy with lights...
outside lights...
and fake a smile while thinking and planning
and wondering why did this happen that way
or what will it be in the future...

We go
back and forth
like a pendulum of swings
and in one focused second
we can't even tune in
where that swing is going-
because it's going so fast,
and before we know it
we forget to know how to stop
it from doing all that.

And all the times we feel like a mouse
running around and around in a circle
without pause until there's no breath
left to bear-
we used up all the emotions in our tank,
all the tension has come back,
and there is no gap,
only a cap
to hold back the wind and the cold
and the years that made us look so old
and grey
and perhaps now we have a way
to slow down
and without despair
know that deep inside
we're still in there
and all the while
while it feels out here so cold-
deep inside it still is warm,
for deep in our hearts of love
is our truest sweetest home.
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