Things I remember from today:

Little white cap above your little head
You are so sweet, perhaps to most confused
But not to me.
I see your wisdom
You are precious, and filled with reason
Most people would be upset and deny
that no longer can they move their arm
and fly so high.
For many you seem stuck in this bed
without the ability to get up and get your head wet,
your leg can't breathe
the way it did before,
From the stroke its now contracted, flexed,
and stuck forever more.
Yet you still smile and look at me with ease and a sense of kindness that makes me breathe
you trully inspire such love
and such easy feelings of trust.
So I get you up to the side of the bed
and you seem to giggle each time I touch you,
as you are led
to stand up a few given times,
I start to smile for we are both laughing and having so much fun
After 30 minutes of moving back and forth
you kindly say "ok, I had enough".
So I look tenderly into your eyes
and smile as you smile back with warthm, love, and life.
I get you back to bed and cover you up
and enjoy the bond, and enjoy the love.
For all the people that say we need legs to be in freedom,
You proved them wrong because inside your warm heart is the true freedom.
Regardless of where you are or what you do
it is the love in the background of where you are and what you do,
and you have mastered that- my dear 90 year old friend.
I shall remember you again and again.