Thank you!

Thank you for checking out my blog!!!!

I love this blog, it is an opportunity to express my heart. And I so much appreciate you taking time from your daily life to receive what my heart writes, what my heart sings, what my heart feels, and what my heart wishes to share. It seems we all are going through such similar lessons, so may we all be each other's rock and strength in our transformation in this life. Bless you and love you! Naomi

Saturday, March 6, 2010




Don't you find an answer for me, she says.
Let me find my own answer
don't dismiss the trees
don't dismiss the calling of the breeze
in my breath that wishes to finally
please me

Oh death
is it just a another fiction in life
for we have believed it through trials and strife.
Oh laughter you amuse my spirit
when you help me realize
what real is

Real is the freedom inside
beyond bricks of time,
beyond skin in life,
in this body of mine,
temporarily here-
encasing this soul
that forever shines.

Oh trickery,
we give in to trickery
and become tricked
through attachment and
egotistical illogic
but is it real-
what our minds appeal?

Oh death,
I approach you everyday
in every way.
Death of the old thoughts
I've carried.
Death of the emotions deep within buried.
Death of the tiny dryness in my skin.
Death of the tears and my old wounds
that grew thin
and loosened up
and finally they were given a chance to open up.

Finally comes the funeral
the death of the body altogether,
but its alright buttercup
for it was just the cocoon
now finally liberated
and perhaps you may finally see the butterfly
flying to the highest tree sometime soon
and you will look at it with love and with ease
as it is filled with life in the breeze
and then you will remember
what life is really about
and feel the freedom
without a doubt.

Enjoy each moment,
enjoy each bliss.
When the heart says no, allow it
without guilt or dismiss.
And when the heart says yes,
enjoy it fully
and make sure you treasure it
for you never know how long it will
last trully.

In the end
May I always remind you
I shall always come back to love this life.

Inspired by the movie "My Sister's Keeper" and by life, the urge of death of certain things that just wish to go.

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