Its amazing to hear how there were some people in the concentration camps who completely got in touch with peace in the midst of hell. As I was listening to Eckhart he mentioned how Jesus did the same thing. How inspiring that if others can completely go deeply within, we can too. Some traumas are unbearable, truly unbearable, and then things keep happening to bring out the tragedy more and more, in different ways, unexpectedly, and each time its so, we fall... deep into that hole. But Im finding myself coming out,lifting myself up from the ground, and I guess in each challenge that arises, a fruitfilled lesson is here in disguises, that asks us to live, and surrender to the past, and be, the life we really are. We are not the story, but this magical star, this bright filled star that lights the room and heart. Everything on the surface seems like its so important, it beams
for our attention, extremes of
unaffection or severe
culminations of fear and violations of space and respect- the exterior can be such a threat.
Our safety can be in despair, we can lose trust, our body, or be without air.
What can happen on the surface can be truly insane,
but what if it is all a play, & we are actors today, could we take life less seriously and play? & if we lose to monopoly we still feel okay.
All that's forever is the inside of the heart, that warm loving feeling, that helps us to laugh, the sweet love w/in that gives us a glow, the kindness within, the spark, the old friend that looks at us softly, w/compassion, & warmly reminds us its all okay, when we're suffering on a particular day. Its that gentle soul within, that knows nothing more than surrendering and saying yes to what is now & making the most of it somehow.
Can we truly come back home (regardless of the hurt)?
Hurt eases when the story ceases.