Eating light foods activate the light within.
It seems so basic- eating lots of natural foods
that are whole, undisturbed;
all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes intact
because they are not processed, cooked, or meddled with.
I'm learning about raw foods and I love it.
Everytime I eat this food I feel so Flourished
with love and strength and stamina and friends
who also agree, this diet is a blessing indeed.
Reversing diabetes in 21 days,
can it be so, well lots agreed-
after they've tried it
and excelled, its a riot-
how people are stuck with drugs for so long,
without curing themselves at all.
Seeing this patient the other day made me feel
this feeling of unease which eventually turned into ease-
after seeing the consequences of her disease,
it reminded me of the empowerment to speak, to be honest,
to be real, to feed our minds and hearts
with gentleness
and go beyond the tease
of what unhealthy food brings-
can we realize what it brings- deep within?
I know in my life,
what I eat depends on how I am.
If I am happy and free
I want food that's light and airy,
but when I am sad and afraid,
I want food that's heavy so
that I can numb my pain
on this most miserable day...
It's so easy to see
the effects of food
in our industry,
and how the industry takes advantage
of our lives and our stomachs,
but we are in control of it today,
if we wish to again play.
So let this sad but profound expression
I will write for you,
be an inspiration and a tool,
to not just be sad for what it is,
but to make changes deep within.
At the hospital where I work I see illnesses everyday-
people struggling with their weight.
Too many people with diabetes,
with massive strokes,
infections, renal disease, and cancers.
I see young 40 year olds with heart disease that
keeps repeating..
and repeating again and again,
for it attacks like a flame.
I treat wounds,
some of the wounds are so deep-
that I cannot believe my eyes,
and when I see their meals as it arrives
I understand why-
I see the coke,
I see the fries,
I see the burgers
that's piled up high
with cheese and mayonaise to please..
I don't doubt it is a sad disguise-
this disease.
I understand- it's all heavy food,
it's all comfort food
that buries our deep wounds
that live deep inside endessly...
But there comes a time
where there is no more places for our wounds to hide,
and they surface
through anxiety, sluggishness, or disease.
If we cannot face our wounds
lovingly and reflect upon them,
they will kill us, it's relentless..
the horrendous things that I see..
of people that cannot breathe,
living off a breathing machine,
Oh the obesity
is so debilitating to see,
to turn a 15 year old girl- who weighs 700 pounds
to the side of her bed, it takes 4 people..
Oh it makes me cry just to see the picture
but the reality is that her grandmother brings her KFC
Kentucky Fried Cruelty,
cruelty to the animals,
cruelty to the ones who eat this,
and cruelty to the ones who feed her-
for what they fed her killed her- she already died-
and I remember her still as I think back
I remember we shared many smiles.
I used to let her borrow my dvd's and we'd laugh
at Mrs. Doubtfire-
but deep inside I'd cry
cause I knew she lost her fire,
she lost her will to survive-
she let food win her angry cry.
I found her so special.
And she knew I loved her,
I loved how she was deep within-
he was a lovely human being.
it's endless to see
the sense of suffering people
put themselves crazily-
and it can all be prevented-
by facing our fears that
we've continuously rejected.
And when we feel happy and free,
we will want light foods not
give in-
to heavy foods to drown our pain,
because we no longer carry that pain-
we've faced it and held it
just as we would hold a baby who is
crying hysterically.
And as the baby is hugged
he melts into our love.
In the same way-
as we face our own inner cries with love,
then it can only turn itself into love-
and into wisdom and compassion-
and eventually helping us to gain understanding
to give others compassion and patience too-
when their deep pains are suffering too.
Everything that's not love eventually brings us to Love.