a life without friends is a life without life.
friends remind us of smiles when we feel overwhelmed and torn.
friends remind us to cherish all days young or old.
friends remind us to hope even when we feel we dont belong.
friends remind us to awaken when we've closed the doors.
friends remind us that walls wide open keeps a heart sweet and young.
friends remind us to relaxed when we're stressed and solely
focused on problems that matter much less than the love that surrounds
friends remind us to laugh again when we're drowned in thoughts.
friends remind us to change those habits that have caused us wars.
God reminds us through friends and sometimes animals that we're truly loved.
God speaks even within our hearts if we're ready to hold
a special place in our heart for not just the things but for the essence that shines within and above.
and when we shine,our eyes glow so bright and our vibration of love is felt to everywhere outside
so when a dear friend is feeling lost
we could be there to shine our light and remind them too that its okay to come back to the sweet surrender of Love.