New scratches at the door
the path of life,
the car that drives,
1000 miles a day,
in the head, without vain
or sane conviction...
it just goes on and on
without prediction.
But then warmly consciousness
reconnected, once was lost,
now redirected,
it always was there and now,
but now its found,
and life becomes bliss-
somehow we forget and come back to the mind..
not the mind of knowledge, but the mind that takes over
and believes a false lie of stories that were never ever true-
believing we are less, or any more than another,
how clue
we are
when we
believe the words of the head.
Can we just
drive far?
-far away from this hell,
but is it really hell? -if
hell motivates us to come out of hell?
When we are tired of suffering,
headaches and all,
headaches from suffering,
thinking too much and emotions of despair,
emotions of depression,
emotions that keep us stuck,
keep us buried..
But the embarrased person hides it,
pretends he or she is never "that weak.."
and with a face of disguise,
acts a face that is happy and..
Can't we all just be real..
We are all feeling all these feelings..
We are all at times insecure,
or feel we are better.. it's called the ego
or it's called other things
but can we be true?
-that we are all facing similar struggles,
struggles perhaps in different ways,
but in truth we are all facing
a myriad of human tendencies -of
behaviors and emotions, of vices of many
-from jealousy and anger, and
sadness and blame, or righteousness or
judgement, or loneliness or fame..
We doubt, we react, we subtract, we extract,
we look at nature without looking at nature,
because we're busy thinking about "why this person
has such a temper..."
Oh life, its okay,
I'm realizing it's all in the end okay,
that even all the violence in all the world is trivial,
and every act and emotion is temporary.
I feel the only thing that lasts is not even a thing,
it's the ultimate formless that things contain around-this essence,
this bliss, this formless living angelic realm,
this spirit, this heaven, this love, this haven,
this consciousness, this God,
whatever the name, whatever the cause,
each religion fights because each think theirs is right
BUT what if they all perhaps connect to the same very sight
of love, of yonder,
of whispering guidance, of thunder,
of calmness within the streams,
of purity, of sweet loving dreams,
the guidance within the heart, the connectedness
that wins our hearts, the knowing that knows and trusts,
the voice that's highest and doubts no thoughts,
it is accurate, it is felt and experienced when we are ready,
it is lovely, it is merry, it is peaceful as peaceful can be,
it is what keeps us going when we wish to flee..
Oh dear God when I'm awake,
I thank you so, for keeping me sane.
I thank you Lord for waking up,
and also thank the stars above.
I know to be found, I have to have been lost before,
and continue with this yo yo ride until I wish no more.
Cycles of duality will continue to stay,
until we transition our life, until we wish to reach this higher state
and pray, meditate, be connected in this heavenly love in that we are,
this is heaven, this is my home, this is my origin, this is my love.
And with this love, in the background of whatever I do,
becomes the glow in what I do, it becomes the truth.
Sometimes we have to go around in circles again and again,
until we master our path and know our way.
Heavenly Father I know this is all in the end a game..
True love is the only answer.
In this I will keep my faith.
Everything that is not love eventually brings us back to love more and more everyday.
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