The Aftermath..
Aren't emotions nuts?
They can keep our mind hurried,
we become unreasonable,
we make a fuss,
we repeat the same old story
2 million times,
Just hush-
we tell ourselves
it seems a neverending,
a neverending hell..
And then a kind friend guides our path,
shows us reason,
helps with the math-
we slowly see both sides of that damn old coin,
we start letting go,
the story gets old.
We breathe again with a new deep sigh,
we say thank God,
we say goodbye,
to the worries in the head
and the emotions that gave us a head-
Oh Lord, thank you dearly,
for seeing that negative judgement is
like a a fever that never leaves thee-
who chooses to entertain it near or far.
I'm training myself to surpass this car-
ride to hell,
I rather see flowers, I rather see a sun,
I never knew that I fell
so far in the earth,
when someone's false accusation
turned into a poison
in which I deeply within
I like the poem from Mother Teresa
because it's true-
people may lie, and steal, and judge,
and reveal dark truths only to hurt,
they may take our money or our pride,
but in the end if we choose love
we see that it was never about working sooo
hard- to gain their trust.
In the end it was about us and God
and the wisdom that in the end we gained.
Ohhh this amusing ride that we are taking...
Roles people play from the arrogant to the insecure,
to the victim and the one with the-
guilty ride of selfish pain,
but for some reason- why do we do it again and again?
When are we ready to stop these dark circles?
These cycles after a while become more odvious,
more hurtful-
it becomes so disastrous that we eventually plead-
we hang our white flag,
we surrender and flee
these human habits that no longer serve our light,
for we choose sweet kindness instead of continual strife-
And then whenever we see anything dark
we look
beyond the dark night
into the soft stars.
For if the night were clear as day, the stars wouldn't be seen-
they'd fade away.
Perhaps duality is important to be-
in this curious physical world that we ultimately
need to leave-
Its a temporary place,
with a temporary face.
But in all-
can we see the brilliance within everybody's shades?
Deep light sparkling eyes that looks with kindness
when the soul's alive.
May we ultimately connect to what's eternally within,
for it is the treasure most lovely,
as I feel it in the aliveness within my skin.
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