Thank you!
Thank you for checking out my blog!!!!
I love this blog, it is an opportunity to express my heart. And I so much appreciate you taking time from your daily life to receive what my heart writes, what my heart sings, what my heart feels, and what my heart wishes to share. It seems we all are going through such similar lessons, so may we all be each other's rock and strength in our transformation in this life. Bless you and love you! Naomi
I love this blog, it is an opportunity to express my heart. And I so much appreciate you taking time from your daily life to receive what my heart writes, what my heart sings, what my heart feels, and what my heart wishes to share. It seems we all are going through such similar lessons, so may we all be each other's rock and strength in our transformation in this life. Bless you and love you! Naomi
Friday, April 30, 2010
Going along this life
with our friends
who nurture us
as we nurture them.
Sometimes we're too busy to love,
we have so much on our minds.
Sometimes we're too busy to notice,
we have to much to do-
and our garden is left unnoticed.
But when we care,
that's when we can really be there,
to feel their pain
as they feel ours,
to honor their days,
as they honor ours.
that dare
come from a place
inside the heart
as they honestly
love and care.
When our days are sad,
they say a thing or two
that makes us smile
and giggle too.
When we're happy
they are happy too
because in all,
we are one-
its true.
And when our heart
cannot bare
to feel more pain,
we feel the love,
through our friends
that trust
and love
I spoke to a friend about something that seemed so interesting, so inviting, and so positive- until I got the response.. A blobb of hmm hmm, and well.. yeahh guess that's interesting, said in a tone that is not so convicing. And then an unomfortable feeling came within.
I watched the video the other day from Louise Hay "You Can Heal Your Life, The Movie" and they mentioned that when we feel something uncomfortable, its great- because right there, at that moment, we can transform it.
In this case, seeing a lacking of enthusiasm from someone else- which inevitably it is completely fine, for some like chocolate, others vanilla; some like sports, others art; some like rain, others sunshine; some like pottery, others rather play lottery; some gamble their days away, some rather go to a park and play..; some enjoy nurturing, some enjoy investing.. it's all in the eyes of the beholder- But the lesson is what is clear and generous. Seeing that lacking of enthusiasm from someone else, helped me 1- accept it, accept THEM, accept ME feeling this and 2- this is a reminder to heighten my own enthusiam.
So quickly, I transformed my passion of what I was doing at the moment, from not being so enthusiastic to my cleaning the house, to completely being enthusiastic about it- completely increasing my passion for cleaning my world, my home, and doing it with that zest of life and love- the very life that clings and relentlessly teaches us- every day, how to live our days.
Thank you life, it is all a matter of perception.
If we clean our lenses, we can see more clear.
By the way- I took this picture when I went to an amazing ecovillage in Argentina. It was this man's passion- to build an amazing landscape of organic gardens, and trees of nature, as well as respecting earth as much as possible in this self sustainable environment of adobe style homes, and solar everything, everything vegan, everything sweet, everything kind, and everything done from a place of passion- enthusiasm at its finest.
Monday, April 26, 2010
I remember you often
I remember your friendship and your smile
I remember the way that you laugh outloud,
you have a way to motivate me fully,
you have a way to inspire me,
to liven my day,
to always cheer up my ways.
You have a spark in your aura
a golden light that transforms my all,
you are a sun
appearing as skiny fragments of color in the sky,
you are grounded and disciplined,
and you remind me of what I truly am,
deep within.
Thank you for your kindness
that never stops,
thank you for the words of wisdom
you always have.
Thank you for your magnetic laugh
and the light in your eyes,
your brilliance amazes me,
even right now in my heart.
I think of you and I smile again,
I am so blessed to have such
wonderous angelic friends.
Monday, April 19, 2010
We keep ourselves busy with lights...
outside lights...
and fake a smile while thinking and planning
and wondering why did this happen that way
or what will it be in the future...
We go
back and forth
like a pendulum of swings
and in one focused second
we can't even tune in
where that swing is going-
because it's going so fast,
and before we know it
we forget to know how to stop
it from doing all that.
And all the times we feel like a mouse
running around and around in a circle
without pause until there's no breath
left to bear-
we used up all the emotions in our tank,
all the tension has come back,
and there is no gap,
only a cap
to hold back the wind and the cold
and the years that made us look so old
and grey
and perhaps now we have a way
to slow down
and without despair
know that deep inside
we're still in there
and all the while
while it feels out here so cold-
deep inside it still is warm,
for deep in our hearts of love
is our truest sweetest home.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Boats and streams
on a European day
Monet captures the breeze
and the light of that day
What peaceful village
nothing somber
just nature that loves
amidst calming
white doves
that wonder
through the sky
The day is free
The heart shines
My heart shines
as I look and write
I look at such a painting
that captures its very life
I fly in my dreams
I fly
and if I had a choice
I'd fly to this very site
so that I can bathe by the doves
that recite
soft melodies
of fruit filled songs
in a way that is
and delightfully
just right.
Good night!!
Blue dress
Softly fitting the curves
Of the waist
A cotton feel
and pretty
like the sky
it reminds me
of the stars
I saw tonight
Because its glimmery
It sparkles and it shines
And it dances
Freely and my eyes
Bright and happy
Dancing and enjoying
These wonderful melodies
With pride
May we always enjoy
Each moment
Each bliss
And realize the gifts
That are such blessings
And through it all
I melt tonight
Covered in my blankets
as I slowly close my eyes.
Friday, April 9, 2010
John Keats
John Keats
A lover of poems
A poet of lovers
as he loved a lover so sweetly-
his poems explained it so.
Through fire in his breath,
with the knowing that without
a dime or an inch
of health he
couldn't secure
his love by him
for too long
a time-
But still
with the time they had,
they were blessed to shine.
And now beyond his death
his poems of love
will forever fill our chests.
He wrote to his "Fanny":
Bright Star
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art —
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like Nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors —
No — yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever — or else swoon to death.

As I stand and rest my head against this lovely tree, I see something I've never seen before.
I see a lizard sleeping on a rope,
a rope that was used to keep a rose bush standing tall.
And then I look, and I see the full moon, glowing like it never has before.
An aura of light circles the moon as if it actually looked like a round rainbow,
it's hard to describe it actually, for I've never seen something like that before.
It actually looks like 2-3 rings of different shades of light- from a flourescent white to iluminating pinks, purples, greens, and oranges.
It's gorgeous.
People always say that we tend to get a little crazy around the Full Moon.
Perhaps the full moon is an opportunity to release our habitual tendencies that don't serve us of the world no longer.
Perhaps the full moon is an opportunity to allow all those things to surface,
to come to the surface,
so that we can better reflect upon it and let it go once we see we mastered the lesson
in it all.
It is 6AM and the night is turning into day. The lizard is still sleeping soundly.
He doesn't seem to mind I am writing away in his presence.
This is the start of a new day,a new way of living and recreating my life and dreams, my visions, and my ways of being.
I am like a TV with many channels. and it is up to me which channel I wish to entertain.
Today I wish to entertain the channel of compassion towards myself and others.
Thank you God.
I Love this life as it brings about such opportunities to grow in love and in harmony.
I thank the opposite of love and harmony for helping me appreciate the duality of life and its purpose.
For everything that is not love eventually brings me to a place of love.
PS- the lizard just woke up.

I am so sorry for any hurt I gave to another.
When I feel others who want so much from me,
it sometimes feels like they are taking
the life out of me-
suffocating me at whole,
drowning me
in this bottomless pit full of ghoul-
ish things,
of unforgiving trees,
that in the end,
only wishes to breathe
and to grow,
like trees are meant to grow.
And just like the trees like space to grow,
I am learning how sometimes I am in control
because it's okay-
it's okay to sometimes say no.
We always think we have the answers for the other,
we give lots of commentaries on how the other one
should live and what they should do, and we say it to them
over and over
and never do we stop to take a breath
and listen to whether they wish to get a breath
or even ask
whether what we say even helps-
because really-
are we trully trying to help?
or do we gain some kind of power by
being the stronger one
but its all a game-
And when the game bites back,
as we are on the receiving end,
we feel the sting,
and we become eventually grateful
for what life oddly brings.
Thank you God for letting me realize
and understand the old famous line-
that's written by Joan Anglund-
It goes like this-
"A bird does not sing because it has
an Answer.
It sings because it has a Song."
We think we need to be better, better all the time,
know it all, and show it off,
act "So Cool",
we think it is the way to be approved,
that somehow this is the only way
to not feel used or be mistreated,
for we're respected if others think
we're smart as we wear pleated
pants and fancy dresses-
But in the end a compassionate smile
and the warmth of love is all that is
needed on this earth and above.
May all else be nourished,
all the rain that drops
as it flourishes
into rivers
and land,
may it rain onto us
wisdom at hand.
and wisdom in this land,
that eventually becomes the
essence of a flowering plant.
Light, subtle, and sweet-
that is all my heart finds for treats.
Thursday, April 8, 2010

I saw this little boy
who looked at me with such warmth and glow.
There was no needy trait.
We just surrendered to a heart filled hug
and play,
a loving connection,
a twinkle so warm,
so loving, so affectionate.
And when we said goodbye,
there was no sorrow bled.
It was just a reminder
that life has no guarrantees
of what's available tomorrow.
It is always worth it in the end-
when we see this moment as our best friend.
When we can enjoy ourselves, those around us,
and enjoy what we do,
then we're filled with blessings
not sorrow of the future or past
that looks so blue..
Children remind me of this.
Because children still have the spark of
wisdom and connection to bliss.
Here is another little child from work
who reminded me of truth:
I was looking at a baby today.
He was wearing an orthopedic helmet over his head
yet he kept his head tall as he smiled at me,
in such a loving way,
and as we connected
we offcourse played.
He felt my love.
I felt his.
There was nothing else,
No obligation, no clouded will,
there was nothing in disguise,
just love that shared this sight.
There was no longing for tomorrow
just a warmth in the heart,
there was no sorrow,
no desperate need
to re-live this moment
at forced will.
All there is- is love.
The only thing that lasts forever
is this feeling I've borrowed,
borrowed from life.
Thanks for this night!
Look, it doesn't matter about tomorrow.
The moment we share everyday-
with our friends-
that sweet connection,
the love,
that's what matters,
that's all that matters,
and if 2 choose to journey in life together
it shall be, and if they don't
then it's okay too,
because at one point or another
we each may part from eachother- to another
city or another town,
to another husband or wife,
-which inevitably makes us frown,
or may be our loved one wants
another lifestyle or another
or may be he or she is ready to go beyond this earth
and pass- to another life, another dimension-
who are we to say this is the only dimension?
Can we enjoy eachother fully right now
and give eachother space to make choices
even if it is away, from us?
I know its painful- but we must.
Deep down we know we must.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

You are a beauty within angels who is in this universe for the sake of love and compassion. You are here for the sake of wisdom and healing. You are here to do divine work and even though you easily become distracted, you come back. Keep coming back, for you are one of God's (or source or highest light or whatever the name, no matter) loyal workers, and he needs you in his busy factory. The factory of heavenly light and heavenly love is where you feel you belong, and here you do belong.
The love within your heart is from this incredible light, if you ever put yourself down by assuming people or circumstances are putting you down, you are putting down the amazing gift that God has given you. A gift is to be treasured. Treasure it with love and dignity. Other people’s words and actions are their words and actions, from their own insecurities, from their own fears, or from just the only best they can give at that moment, even if they don’t understand the consequences their actions have upon others and themselves. Other people’s words are never your identity, NEVER. Value you as you deep down really know who you are. You are more than life itself. You are made of a thousand stars and a million kisses.
You are made of lots of little bones, and lots of funny laughs. You are made of millions of poems and a gentle soul. You are made of luminous things, all wrapped up in one. All wrapped in one- together with your body, mind, soul; you are perfectly here to experience what you need to experience, everything is divine, even the most horrid things people do, even the worst things you see, even the biggest of disasters.
Everything has a divine intent and it is meant for your learning and growth. Grow as you grow, enjoy the rain from the misty clouds and the sunshine from our heavenly sun, and let it bring brightness in your heart, as it is lovely in its absolute just as you are lovely in its absolute; and lovely as your heart receives light from within and around you with grace. So spend the day with ease, you have great protection, deep within your skin, and deep within your soul God is always near.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The art of letting go is a blessing indeed
What a blessing it is to feel free,
free to be,
free to see,
with eyes clear and attentively
seeing what is presently here and there,
and to honestly share
all this love, that at this moment
we are made of.
It's right here,
deep inside
deep in the most merciful place
of compassion, not pride,
just love and humility,
wamth and tranquility-
and when the love is unreachable,
it's because the layers are becoming
unpredicably there
entertaining us
until we awaken
to look at it with ease,
they're just clouds without ease;
yet when the sun still brightly shines,
the clouds become transparent
as light glides, right through it,
and sends us hope, because we too,
can do it-
when we are ready,
at any day
when we wish to-
may be it's now-
are we ready to?
We are the sun
and the love
that shines through
any wall.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Imagine a plant that never lets go of its dead leaves.
That even though the dead leaves wish to fall to feed the earth
through the sun and the minerals beyond,
the plant relentlessly keeps them in one by one, close to its roots
and the dead stems multiple in layers
to the point that
the plant becomes crazily covered by them-
These layers and layers of the past-
that wishes to pass,
but nevertheless its become a part
of this plant that no longer looks
green or exciting
and nor does it last-
because it eventually gets worn down-
The weight on its shoulders have caused it
to drown,
And the new leaves are hiding inside
a messy shell
of dead of leaves that really belong
somewehere else.
But this scenario is never true
because plants are naturally evolving,
they would never do-
these things, they just face the light,
they are one with the sun's rays
and eventually they let everything pass-
for there is no attachment to the past-
they are just enjoying what is Now-
what more than that?
Can we be like a plant,
that recycles the old
with the new?
Can we be like the plant,
that is light and free
and contantly at ease?
Can we be like the plant
that faces the sun
and never hides from the rain?
Can we be like the plant,
that always, always
enjoys a new day?
I say YES!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Flowering buds-
You arise as spring
delights my senses,
with blooming roses
that's scented.
Fragrant and Free,
light and airy,
soft and sparkly-
you lovingly capture
You are full of light
that is translucent and real.
Oh majestic you are.
You teach me wisdom by far.
You always focus on the light.
You never turn away and become dark.
Your attention is on the sun
and at night you still belong.
Your flowers are scented
with the sweet song of love
that carries us home.
You remind me to freshen my day with ease,
and to softly play,
to softly live my days.
You teach me to surrender,
to endure,
to gently relax,
to kindly be pure.
Yes flower,
you are like the days
that are most peaceful
and gentle in all ways.
I carry you in my heart always-
And it is there gentle flowers
where your scent and bliss stays.
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