As I stand and rest my head against this lovely tree, I see something I've never seen before.
I see a lizard sleeping on a rope,
a rope that was used to keep a rose bush standing tall.
And then I look, and I see the full moon, glowing like it never has before.
An aura of light circles the moon as if it actually looked like a round rainbow,
it's hard to describe it actually, for I've never seen something like that before.
It actually looks like 2-3 rings of different shades of light- from a flourescent white to iluminating pinks, purples, greens, and oranges.
It's gorgeous.
People always say that we tend to get a little crazy around the Full Moon.
Perhaps the full moon is an opportunity to release our habitual tendencies that don't serve us of the world no longer.
Perhaps the full moon is an opportunity to allow all those things to surface,
to come to the surface,
so that we can better reflect upon it and let it go once we see we mastered the lesson
in it all.
It is 6AM and the night is turning into day. The lizard is still sleeping soundly.
He doesn't seem to mind I am writing away in his presence.
This is the start of a new day,a new way of living and recreating my life and dreams, my visions, and my ways of being.
I am like a TV with many channels. and it is up to me which channel I wish to entertain.
Today I wish to entertain the channel of compassion towards myself and others.
Thank you God.
I Love this life as it brings about such opportunities to grow in love and in harmony.
I thank the opposite of love and harmony for helping me appreciate the duality of life and its purpose.
For everything that is not love eventually brings me to a place of love.
PS- the lizard just woke up.
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