I saw this little boy
who looked at me with such warmth and glow.
There was no needy trait.
We just surrendered to a heart filled hug
and play,
a loving connection,
a twinkle so warm,
so loving, so affectionate.
And when we said goodbye,
there was no sorrow bled.
It was just a reminder
that life has no guarrantees
of what's available tomorrow.
It is always worth it in the end-
when we see this moment as our best friend.
When we can enjoy ourselves, those around us,
and enjoy what we do,
then we're filled with blessings
not sorrow of the future or past
that looks so blue..
Children remind me of this.
Because children still have the spark of
wisdom and connection to bliss.
Here is another little child from work
who reminded me of truth:
I was looking at a baby today.
He was wearing an orthopedic helmet over his head
yet he kept his head tall as he smiled at me,
in such a loving way,
and as we connected
we offcourse played.
He felt my love.
I felt his.
There was nothing else,
No obligation, no clouded will,
there was nothing in disguise,
just love that shared this sight.
There was no longing for tomorrow
just a warmth in the heart,
there was no sorrow,
no desperate need
to re-live this moment
at forced will.
All there is- is love.
The only thing that lasts forever
is this feeling I've borrowed,
borrowed from life.
Thanks for this night!
Look, it doesn't matter about tomorrow.
The moment we share everyday-
with our friends-
that sweet connection,
the love,
that's what matters,
that's all that matters,
and if 2 choose to journey in life together
it shall be, and if they don't
then it's okay too,
because at one point or another
we each may part from eachother- to another
city or another town,
to another husband or wife,
-which inevitably makes us frown,
or may be our loved one wants
another lifestyle or another
or may be he or she is ready to go beyond this earth
and pass- to another life, another dimension-
who are we to say this is the only dimension?
Can we enjoy eachother fully right now
and give eachother space to make choices
even if it is away, from us?
I know its painful- but we must.
Deep down we know we must.
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