Thank you!

Thank you for checking out my blog!!!!

I love this blog, it is an opportunity to express my heart. And I so much appreciate you taking time from your daily life to receive what my heart writes, what my heart sings, what my heart feels, and what my heart wishes to share. It seems we all are going through such similar lessons, so may we all be each other's rock and strength in our transformation in this life. Bless you and love you! Naomi

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sometimes we become surprised when while going through something so difficult, the friends we trusted the most are not there for us. It can be upsetting and sad yet we may realize that in every human being there is suffering and when suffering exists within anyone (you know), then their ability to be there for you may be Limited. But it's okay. We can learn from things like this by learning how to be really good friends (by going thru its opposite).

Don't take it personally.

People do the best they can do. But whether its a learned behavior that they cannot feel empathy for another
 (which is a form of suffering) or that they are going through something themselves that makes them unable to be there for you, pardon them, for your own peace of mind and heart. Otherwise it eats you up.

There comes a point when you value this body and mind (that has been loaned to you) so much that you have no time to waste to be less than kind to it. By pardoning others we are kind within. Pardoning doesn't mean that we have to continue to have an active friendship with them, but pardoning them even at a physical distance, helps maintain a healthy heart And mind, and so you  can ultimately wish them well and pray for their WellBeing. And then move on to yours too.

It's worth it. Sometimes our feelings may be so strong that reasoning it alone may not fully liberate us from this pain we may greatly feel.

Realizing that it is okay to feel whatever we feel is a good thing.

Allowing ourselves to feel whatever comes up is the act of leAst resistance.

By being the observer of what is, we bring whatever is our love and our kindness. Just like with a baby crying were not forcing baby to stop crying but instead we hug him or her with all our love and the love and space naturally melts any if his or her little suffering Away.

Upon allowing our feelings to be we shall feel lighter and calmer.

Inevitably we realize that we are not just our pain.

We may be ready to also connect to the aliveness within. With our hands. Our arms. Feet. Legs. Hips. Tummy. Back. Chest. Neck. Face. Head. We start connecting more and more to the peaceful vibrations within. Our inner body and the light of our essence becomes like a mother's love that gradually melts any of the remaining suffering into its love.

Love is grand. Love can heal mountains. It can heal so much. It is so worth it.

As we quiet our mind and feel the space inside, everything opens up to the light from within and it heals.

Everything that is not love eventually brings us back to love. Always does.

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