Oh my... In the thrill of all these experiences.. the good, the bad, the gentle, the harsh, and how nice when instead of judgement we observe, for that is what it feels like to me, perhaps if i was in other circumstances, instead of tightening, i'd be able to better breathe.. but I can't..
For some reason, some things that happen cause certain triggers and certain stress, when if it happened to another person, there may be no stress, no worry, no doubting, no stories..
Sometimes the thing that we dont like about the other is deep down inside of us. Sometimes the thing we dont like in another is what is the exact opposite of our personality, perhaps its the personality of our gruesome sibling??? or our parent that we still feel resentments towards, or that 5th grade teacher that called us " a procrastinator". But...
perhaps these pains, these triggers, these challenges, that lingers,
are exactly what we, deep down need, so that whatever we previously buried, can come out and breathe again, and become free, and become whole, with the air, as it is allowed to leave, to dissolve, to be free, into universe and space,
for all pain is meant to be is to remind us of what love isnt. and once we know what love isnt, knowing how to love is more possible. For everything that isnt love eventually brings us back, more and more, to this sacred precious gift of unconditional love. The kind of love that is never a doormat, but that gives wisely, that gives without the intent of what he or she is seeking in receiving. It is that love that it is kind, and humble, that it is honest, respectful, with a nurturing, but never co dependent for deep love knows that the master and student go hand in hand. They both go back & forth. One day 1 is teacher, The other day student. For we all learn from eachother, inspired, awakened.
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