Thank you!

Thank you for checking out my blog!!!!

I love this blog, it is an opportunity to express my heart. And I so much appreciate you taking time from your daily life to receive what my heart writes, what my heart sings, what my heart feels, and what my heart wishes to share. It seems we all are going through such similar lessons, so may we all be each other's rock and strength in our transformation in this life. Bless you and love you! Naomi

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

what a heavenly day.
each day is so blissful,
and even thought at times emotions are challenging or thoughts can take us here or there- usually there..
and everywhere but here, this divine moment where we are free to face the beingness within,
the oneness that's always available,
the kindness that's full of grace,
hugging us in a warm embrace,
a shining light, a feeling so warm,
so loving, so peaceful, so full
yet with such space,
ahh this bliss, on this day.

we all want to find happiness and we think if the other person wants us then we have a chance, but for so
e reason many people turn tp those incapable of loving others with the ongoing wish that they will please them and love them endessly. and it caves the poor broken hearted soul, that craves for love, outside, while all the while that love was there in the least odvious of places.. within.

within there's a power without words that can explain it really.
people search and search but when they stop the frustrating search and merely just observe they see its right there,
as if a sun was beaming inside them,
glorious and transparent,
iluminating all senses,
mind is quiet and surrendered.
body is calm, and even if there's physical pain, the aliveness within and throughout iis so much more grand, it makes everything else so inexisttent,
and without expectation, the light calms the surface, transmuting it into the love in which it came.
everything thats not love eventually brings us back to love more and more.

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