Quoted lots from this video, amazing video!!! Amazing!!!!!
Listening to Jill Bolte Taylor
I was reminded by her the other day when I had a patient
delightful and sweet,
when our eyes met, I felt such freedom
in her eyes,
her vibes
were transparent,
like a baby that just just came onboard and woke up,
with eyes so curious,
her expression was so warm.
She'd smile and play and laugh and gaze
She had no fear, no worries, nothing in her mind
keeping her preoccupied.
She was present, there was no disguise.
And when I saw that her left hemisphere was affected,
I knew, I just knew as I smiled and reflected,
that this pattern I am seeing again and again,
in patients with left brain strokes,
Again and again,
I see this spark in their eyes
and not the rushing mind.
It's amazing how she was completely in her right brain-
"understanding that right here,
and right now, we are perfect, whole, and beautiful".
It's so amazing how the left brain works, according
to Jill Bolte Taylor,
and how it correlates with the ego- "the past
and the future. It thinks linearly and
methodically. It's designed to analyze the
present moment, categorizing all that information,
associating everything from the past and projects
into future all the possibilities..
All that language.. the chitter chatter...
That calculating voice, causing me to
be separate from all, even from you".
Her day of the stroke-
Jill, a renowned brain scientist, had a stroke,
a left sided stroke,
and "that day she saw everything had slowed,
she lost her balance, looked at her arm and noticed
she couldn't define boundaries of her body, of where
I begin and where I end because all the molecules of the
arm blended with the molecules of the wall..
The left brain chatter went silent as if someone
put the mute button.. She was captivated by the energy
around her, feeling this expansive energy, it was so
beautiful there.. la la land.. Totally disconnected from mind chatter,
all the stress from job, etc was gone, and felt lighter in my body.
She felt this sense of peacefulness,
losing 37 years of emotional baggage, she felt
EUPHORIA, and left brain comes back saying "you need help,
can I drive? Oh my God I'm having a stroke.. "
And right brain just saying "so cool"..
It took her so long to coordinate making a phone call to get help.
The hemmorrhage is at the time getting bigger...
Eventually she got help...
The video goes on and on..
Her transparency in connecting and expressing her light is beautiful.
She mentions she "felt her spirit surrender",
that she "was no longer just a scientist..".
She "felt enormous and expansive like a genie liberated from her bottle,
spirit soared free like a whale.. Nirvana.. she found nirvana..
She realized there was no way she could squeeze the enormousness
back into this little body. She pictures compassionate loving people
that could come back to this place anytime, and find this peace."
"Who are we?
(right hemisphere)
The lifeforce power of the universe.
at one with all there is or
(left hemisphere)
A single individual, separate from the flow,
separate from you-
(Jill, intellectual, neuroanatomist)
These are the WE inside of me-
Which would you choose,
Which do you choose?
and when?"
"The more time we choose our right hemisphere, the more peace we project into the world and the more peaceful our planet will be and I thought that's an idea worth spreading."
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